“I need to lose weight” I want to tone up and lose fat” “I
want to get in great shape”
These are all
very common resolutions made on the first of every January. Though most have
good intentions and start very optimistic, it’s no shock that almost 90% of all
resolutions fail by the end of the year. So how can you make a fail-proof
resolution this year and be part of the 10% that succeed come December 31st?
#1- Make your resolution realistic-
-Be sure your
goals are attainable in the amount of time you set to achieve them. No one can
lose 50 lbs in a week but 50 lbs in 6 months is definitely doable with the
right amount of exercise and proper nutrition. Think about the limiting factors
in your life and what type of goal is right for you. Take the excuses out and
start out with a reasonable objective.
#2- Give yourself enough time-
- Just like your goals/resolutions, be
practical with the time frame you set to achieve them. According to a study by
the UK Health and Behavior Research Center ,
it takes 66 days of repetitive actions to form a habit. You won’t change
overnight or see results right away. But if you stick to your new,healthier
habits that change will come!
#3- Make long term goals as well as short term goals-
-First determine
what you want to achieve long term. This will help to break down your shorter
term goals. Every two weeks evaluate your progress via weight, measurements,
body fat, food logs,etc. These short 2 week goals can help you reach your long
term goal. Slow and steady is always the best when it comes to your health;
there is no quick fix!
#4- Write out your resolutions and tell
friends/family about them
Writing out your goals and
keeping them visible at all times gives you accountability to yourself. The
same goes with telling your support system about your aspirations. If the
people closest to you constantly ask about your progress or comment on your
successes it motivates you to continue on the same progressive path. You may
even get a friend/family to join you on your mission!
#5 Don’t give up!
We are all human. Humans
make mistakes. If you have an “off” day or week, just brush it off and move on!
It will take time to make your new habits feel second nature, but eventually
you won’t have to think about it so much and it truly will be your new
lifestyle. Don’t beat yourself up, be proud of your commitment to change and
stay positive!
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