Friday, December 20, 2013

Gym? Not Necessary! Get Real Results from HOME!

This HOT new mom is one of my very FAVORITE clients not only because she works HARD, but because she never gives up. She is such an inspiration and a testament to how effective at-home workouts can be! 

Below is an example of one of her workouts!All you need is a pair of 5lb (or 8lb) weights :) 

Let's get started!!!

Alternate A and B and complete each set 3x through. 

Warm-up! Screamers! 
One side at at time. These are done FAST. Start in a lunge position, quickly bring your knee to your chest and back down. The leg that ISN'T moving stays low in the lunge. It may take a second to get your balance, but once you do pick up your pace! 20 screamers per leg. Complete 3X through

1A. Step back lunge with knee up. Stay on one leg at a time and complete 15 reps per leg. If you want added resistance, hold 5lb weights in each hand

1B. 3-pulse squats. (no picture shown) Foot stance is hip distance apart. When you squat, make sure your weight is in you HEELS and you cannot see your toes! 3 pulses at the bottom of the squat and come back up. 20 reps

2A. Basic bicep curl (5lbs or 8 lbs)---15 reps

2B. Hammer curl (5lbs or 8lbs) ---15 reps (palms face IN)

2C. Wide curls (5lbs or 8lbs)---15 reps (make sure to keep your elbows dug into the side of your body)-15 reps

Full body/Shoulders

3A. Plank-to-push up--start in a plank position (on forearms and toes) "walk" yourself up to a push-up position. 10 total (Up, up, down, down is one rep)

3B. Renegade row (5lb or 8lb weight). Start in push-up position. Place one hand in the center of your body (think of making a triangle with your hand and 2 feet). Grab your weight and do a row. Keep your elbow close to the side of your body and your hips square to the floor the whole time. 10 rows per arm.

4A. Plank with heel lifts. Start in plank position. Concentrate on one side at a time (on the 3rd set you can alternate). Lift your heel up to the ceiling. Consciously SQUEEZE your abs so you don't feel anything in your low back.  10 reps per side. 
4B. Kneeling arnold press. (5lbs or 8lbs). Palms face you at the bottom of the movement and out at the top of the movement. 12 reps

Mountain climber series

5A. Basic mountain climbers. Try to do these as fast as you can! Keep those abs tight! 20 total (10 each)
5B. Modified mountain climber. These are done SLOW. Start just like a normal mountain climber only this time when you bring your knee in you will bring it into the CENTER first, then across to the OPPOSITE elbow, then to the SAME elbow, then back down.  (Ex. if you start with your right side you will bring your right knee into the center, across to the left elbow, across to the right elbow and back down) Alternate legs. 10 each leg.

Good luck!!! Have fun and let me know if you have ANY questions!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Don't Let the Holiday Season Weigh you Down! (literally!)

With the first snow fall and the weather dropping, we all know the holidays are FAST approaching! Before we know it, the new year will be here!

Although I love, love the holidays, I also know the struggle my clients and others go through to stay on track and stick to their programs! With all the wonderful dips and desserts and yummy cocktails, sometimes it's just too hard. The gym gets left behind as the big sweatpants and coats come out! I totally get it. The holidays are the time to spend with friends and family and indulge a little.
I'm here to remind you that you CAN stay on track while enjoying your holidays! You can go into the New Year with a clear conscious that you don't have any "making up" to do! Here are some tips for a guilt-free holiday!

1. Eat BEFORE the party (a "pre-eat" as my husband calls it)
Going to any holiday or cocktail party hungry can be disastrous for your waistline. Think about the MAIN reason you are actually spend time with friends/family....not to eat! Eat your normal meal/snack before you go so you don't show up starving.  Enjoy tasting the delicious selections at the party and move on! A little bit of everything is much better than a lot of one thing (unless it's veggies which is typically not the case!) Grab the cocktail of your choosing (a wine spritzer or vodka drink is typically your best bet) and ENJOY the company of your loved ones.

2. Get your gym time in BEFORE the holiday festivities.
Getting your normal workout in before all the fun starts is going to ensure that it's actually done and you're not even letting yourself procrastinate. The "oh I will just go after" most often times doesn't happen (we are ALL guilty of that). Also, after your workout your cravings change and typically the sweeter/heavier things are not what you will reach for. Go for any veggies or high protein dishes and chances are, you will be filled up and satisfied :)

3. Enlist a friend/sibling/parent to join you for a workout
I've said it before and I will say it again, a workout buddy is SUCH a great tool! Accountability is everything when it comes to weight management. If you two sign up for a class together or have a meeting time at the gym, chances are much higher of actually doing it than if you did it alone.

4. Pick one outfit and stick to it!!!
Now I know this one sounds silly, but I hear WAY too often, people bringing an extra set of clothes (pajamas) to the homes of their loved ones to change into after they eat. As a health professional, this makes me cringe!! You are going to changes into larger clothing for your expanding waistline as you eat?!! That just sounds crazy! You know your comfort level in terms of when you are getting full and when you aren't. Listen to your body just as if it was a normal day and don't over do it. Enjoy, but don't overindulge.

5. ENJOY your time with your loved ones
That's what this season is really all about right?! Not the food or the drinks or the's about being together. Cherish this time of year without compromising the goals you set out beforehand. Stick the course and go into 2014 better than ever!

You can do it!! Happy holiday season!!! God bless!


Monday, October 7, 2013


According to Wikipedia: Motivation is a psychological feature that arouses an organism to act towards a desired goal and elicits,controls, and sustains certain goal-directed behaviors. It can be considered a driving force; a psychological one that compels or reinforces an action toward a desired goal. 

So often I find that when the weather starts to get colder and the darkness sets in faster, my clients lose their motivation! So where can we find our "driving force" for working out and being healthy in the chilly  winter months?! How can we stay "goal-oriented" when it's so miserable out and we can easily wear baggy clothes?!

Here are a few tips to keep your motivation high and your enthusiasm rockin' through the winter!

1. Take progress pictures
- This is one of the easiest (and my personal favorite) ways to hold your own self accountable! It's far too easy to hide behind clothing in the winter. Taking weekly progress pics allows you to see changes (good AND bad) in your body and adjust your routine accordingly. After all, the scale only paints one's the actual picture that can show amazing changes in body composition/muscle mass/ and body fat! Don't be shy, snap away!!

2. Set monthly goals
- If you actually write down a specific goal and tell others about what you are trying to achieve  you are much more likely to reach that goal! Whether the goal is to lose five lbs or make it to the gym consistently 4x/week or even to add a vegetable to your dinner every evening. Whatever the goal maybe be (big or small), write it down and challenge yourself to set a new goal at the beginning of every month.

.Keep your favorite picture of yourself in plain view
- It doesn't matter what you are wearing in the picture, typically your favorites are ones where you FELT the best and had the most confidence. If the picture is out all the time (bathroom mirror, refrigerator,etc) then you are reminded constantly that you CAN do it and you CAN achieve your health goals and feel great about yourself. This is another wonderful tool in holding yourself accountable.

4.Find a buddy!
- Having a friend to workout with or eat healthier with is such an amazing way for both of you to succeed! You can motivate each other and help hold each other accountable for staying on track. Let's face it, we all have times when we would rather sit on the couch than go to the gym, if you have a buddy that has the same goals, chances are this lack of motivation won't occur at the same time! Partner up and succeed together! 

Just think of how proud you will be when Spring/Summer rolls around and you ALREADY have the body you want!! Make it about the lifestyle change...not just the short term rewards! You CAN do it!!!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Don't Let Your Summer Abs Turn to Fall Flab! 5 De-Bloating foods You Need to Put into Your Diet!

5 FoodsYou Need to Be Eating to Keep the Bloat (and weight) Down!

We've all experienced it....the dreaded BLOAT. Whether it's from over-indulging at the dessert table or maybe enjoy a few too many cocktails, bloating is no fun! Below are my top 5 foods that will help to de-bloat so when Fall comes, those jeans will fit like new!  
To keep your tummy looking lean and your digestive tract running smoothly, it's important to eat slowly and drink lots of water. Staying active and exercising are also important for preventing bloating. 

Asparagus-- natures best natural diuretic. This wonderful green will help flush out any excess fluid you may be carrying around. Asparagus helps ease gas buildup and has many probiotic properties.

Dandelion/Dandelion root-  Recognized as being rich in nutrients, dandelions were ranked as  one of the top four veggies  in overall nutritional value by the USDA.  This common "weed" has the ability to release excess water and gas. Two  for one! It can be taken in a pill form, tea form or just put into salad!

Coconut water--this refreshing beverage is high in potassium which is a powerful aid in bloat reduction. Potassium naturally flushes out any excess sodium from the body. You can find coconut water just about anywhere and it comes in several different flavors. Bottoms up!

Fennel-For fast relief, add some fennel seeds to your protein shake or salad or enjoy a cup of fennel tea.  The compounds found in fennel help relax the muscles in your digestive tract and allow trapped gas to pass!

Avocado- Aside from the good fats found in avocado, these tasty fruits are also very high in potassium! Eating 1/4 to 1/2 an avocado a day will help keep your digestive tract happy and your waist slim!

Have a happy,healthy, bloat-free month!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

More At-Home Workouts!!

Summer can be such a busy time and sometimes making it to the gym is hard! Well now you don't have to! SO many of you have asked for more workouts that can be done at here they are! 

Workout#1-Focuses on the core :)

1A. Plank walk—in a plank position, walk yourself 5 “steps” to the right and 5 “steps” to the left. (Make sure you do this on a mat so you don’t scuff your elbows!) Stay low in your plank and do this slowly-

1.B Plank with hip dips. In a plank position, dip your hips to the right, then come up and dip to the left. 10 on each side

2A. Plank on hands with twist. Start in push-up position, rotate to one side. Come back down to push up position, complete a full push up and rotate to the opposite side. 10 on each side

2B. Plank with hip pop-ups- 15 reps


3A. Oblique crunch with weight. Place a weight (or water bottle or can of soup) behind your head and hold onto it with both hands. Start in table top (below) crunch up to the right side, then come all the way back down and crunch over to the left side. --If you want a challenge: place you legs in tabletop psotion--Repeat. 15 on each side

3B. Reverse crunch.—don’t use momentum! Take your time with these and use your LOWER ABS to pull you up and back. 15 reps


4A. Side plank hold—30 sec each side

4B Side plank crunch

5A. Plank oblique knee-ups- 10 on each side. Do one side at a time

5B. Plank hold--- 1 minute!! 

Workout #2- 

1A. Jumping Jacks- 20 reps

1B. Squat jumps---normal squat and EXPLODE into a jump! 15 reps

2A. Decline push-up off table or chair - Place your feet on the table or chair and your hands on the the 
ground--8 reps

2B Incline push-up off bench- Place hands on table or chair-8 reps

2C- Tricep dips off chair/table- 10 reps

3A. Plank with leg lift—do 10 lifts each leg

3B. Plank to push-up- Start in plank position, push yourself up to plank position and repeat. Remember: try to keep you core steady and don't rock your body...squeeze those abs!---12 reps

4. Step back lunge with kick (or knee-up)- Stay on one side at a time. Step back into a lunge, use your glute and abdomen to pull your leg forward into a kick or knee-up.--12 reps each leg.

Good luck!!! Keep working hard and let me know if you have ANY questions!

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or weight-loss program. The general information displayed here is not intended to substitute for or replace your healthcare professional. If you think you may have a medical emergency or experience any pain, call your doctor or 911 immediately. We make no representations or warranties concerning any usage of the information offered here and will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other losses or damages that may result. Reliance on any information appearing on this site or from me is strictly at your own risk.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Weightless Workouts!

One of the most common requests I get is to post workouts that are easily done at home and require no equipment. It's amazing what you can do and the results you can accomplish with your own body weight! I have compiled 3 workouts that can be done in about 30-40 minutes. They can be done from just about anywhere and all you need is YOU!

I have all I need to workout!

Each workout should be completed 3x through to really feel the burn and workup a great sweat! 

Workout #1

- 20 jumping jacks

- 10 step-back lunges on each leg (Do 1 leg at a time, so 20 total)

- 10 2-count push-ups (count to 2 on the way down and then push up)

- 20 bicycles for abs

- 10 super-mans for low back 

Workout #2

- 20 jumping squats (do a narrow squat and jump out to a wide squat--narrow,wide,narrow,wide,etc)

- 10 tricep push-ups (hands form a "triangle" on the floor. When you come down, make sure your elbows stay in close and SKIM the sides of your body)

- 30 sec. side plank- do on each side
- 10 Walkouts (start standing, bend forward until your hands reach the ground and walk yourself out to a push-up position. From there, walk yourself back to standing position)

- 20 mountain climbers (as fast or as slow as your body will allow

Workout #3

- 20 prisoner squats (place hands at ears, squat down and when you come up, twist opposite elbow to opposite knee-not shown in picture)

- 10 Plank-to-push up (start in plank position, push yourself up to push-up position and back down to plank)

- 10 leg lift pulses per leg in bridge (20 total)

- 20 reach-for-your-toes crunches (legs extended up- reach for your toes and fully collapse your shoulders down at the bottom)

- 10 Burpees

--Have a great workout and a wonderful month! You can email me any questions at:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Melt the Fat Away!!

Although it may not seem like it, winter IS coming to a close and Spring will be here before we know it! As the snow melts away and the sun comes out, are YOU ready for short shorts and bathing suits??

Below are a few nutrients that can help torch the winter fat right off and get your body warm-weather ready!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Aside from the benefit of lowering your triglyceride levels, omega-3 fatty acids play a role in fat reduction as well. They also help boost mood and curb your appetite! Some sources of omega-3 fatty acids are:
  • Fish
  • Beans
  • Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Spinach
  • Canola and soybean oil       
  • Broccoli
Calcium: While we all know the benefit calcium brings to our bones, it also aids in fat burning! Calcium binds to fat in your GI tract, preventing some of it from getting absorbed into your bloodstream. It plays a key role in regulating how fat is stored and broken down in your body. Some great sources of calcium are:
  • Plain, non-fat yogurt
  • Soy/regular milk
  • Cheese                                     
  • Tofu
  • Salmon
  • Collard greens

Vitamin D: Not that you needed one before, but I'm giving you a reason to go on vacation and soak up the sun! Vitamin D helps to burn fat for a variety of reasons. When you have adequate levels of Vitamin D your body releases more leptin (the hormone that sends the signal to your brain telling you "you're full!"), so you'll eat less but feel satisfied. Vitamin D also works with Calcium to reduce production of coritsol (the stress hormone that causes belly fat). Below are a few sources of Vitamin D (aside from the Sun) :

  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Plain yogurt
  • Milk
  • Eggs (Vitamin D is found in the yolk)      
  • Orange juice

Monounsaturated Fats:  Not only do monounsaturated fats lower levels of LDLs (the bad cholesterol) but they also are more likely to be burned as fuel, which means they're less likely to stick to your midsection! Foods high in monounsaturated fats have been shown to keep blood sugar steady and reduce your appetite. Below are a few sources of monounsaturated fats:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • All-natural peanut butter
  • Almonds/pistachios/hazelnuts/pecans  

Protein:  From last month's post, you all know the POWER of PROTEIN, but I couldn't help but add it to this month's post as well because of how crucial it is to fat burning! Foods high in protein help to sustain muscle mass while losing weight. This helps keep your body composition in check by losing FAT and keeping lean MUSCLE. Eating a high protein diet helps decrease triglyceride levels and aids to activate a sluggish metabolism. Below are a few sources of this wonderful nutrient:

  • Eggs
  • Chicken/beef/pork/turkey
  • Cheese
  • Whey protein                
  • Beans 
  • Soy
  • Fish

Water!  Water may just be your best ally in the fight against fat! Drinking just 2 cups of ice cold water can help boost your metabolic rate by 30%! Drinking a glass of water before each meal can save you calories and help you get fuller, faster. So by all means, drink up!

A lot of the foods listed above have many overlapping nutrients that can aid in fat loss. Find your favorites and have fun trying out new recipes!  Have a happy/healthy month fit friends!!