Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A Day in the Life of my Remote Clients!

I'm sure you have heard me talk about my "remote coaching" and wondered what in the world I was talking about!! Let's dive deeper and I will explain!

When I started Kelli's Lean Body Coaching almost 2 years ago, I wanted to help as many people as I could get healthy and feel great about their body. I started strictly in-home training, grew it into in-home and studio training and realized I could be helping people not only in MI, but all over the US! Alas, my remote coaching was born! 

I realized what most people need in order to be successful is accountability. If they know that they have someone to "answer" to at the end of every week and someone always looking out for their progress, the chances of success are MUCH higher! So to break down my remote program: I send an initial assessment to get to know the client a bit more and from there, they are emailed their meal plan on the following Saturday and all workouts on Sundays. Each program is 12 weeks long with 3 different variations; 2 workouts/week, 3 workouts/week or 4 workouts/week. They choose which variation works best for them and we get started! Every Saturday is "check-in" day where they have a set of questions to answer and a picture to submit. The picture tells me how compliant they were and how their body is responding to the meal plan and workouts. From there, we modify where we need to. There are no two workouts that are the same. I try my hardest to switch things us and keep their bodies guessing at all times! I am SO proud of all of my remote clients and their progress each week continues to blow me away! 

Below is a sample workout, similar to what a remote client of mine would get via email. Try it out and tell me what you think!! 
This is a full body workout...weights needed :) Alternate "A" and "B" for each set and complete 3x through before going onto the next set.
***Each weight suggestion is just that....a SUGGESTION. Listen to your own body and take it up/down where needed.

Warm up—10 mins on cardio machine of your choice

1A. Squat, curl with punches at the end. 5 lbs weights. Weights are held at your chest. You squat down and and as you do you curl. When you stand up, you extend your arms back down. On the last rep of each set, you will HOLD the squat and do 10 punches in each direction. Punch your R arm across your body to the L side and visa versa. (3rd pic shows the punches) J 12 reps

1B. Weight pass. 1, 5lb weight. Start with your feet together. Step back in a lunge with your left leg, as you do, pass the weight under your right leg from your right hand to your left hand. Stand up. Step back with you right leg and pass the weight under your left leg from your left hand to right hand. TIP: Hold the weight at the very end so it’s easier to pass J Do NOT use your back…go down lower with your legs to pass the weight. 20 reps total (10 passes per leg)

2A. Wide squat hold with “sunshines”. 5 lb weights. Come down in a wide squat (toes point out) Face your palms forward. Lead with your thumbs and draw a big circle with your arms ending at the top where your weights will touch (thumbs touching at top). Come back down the same way. Stay in the squat the whole time. 10 reps

2B. 21’s 8lb weights 
7 reps- All the way down to half way up (90 degree bend in arm at the top of the motion)
7 reps – From the top, stopping halfway down
7 reps- Full bicep curl

Shoulder series. Make sure you RELAX your neck .Stop the weights at shoulder height. If you have to drop down to 3lbs…drop down. Listen to your body!

3A. Basic front raise 5lbs- 10 reps

3B. Basic side (lateral) raise. 5 lbs- 10 reps

3C. Combo with a hold! Side raise-to –front raise- to side raise hold for 5 SEC. So it’s side, front, side and HOLD, then drop. 8 reps

4A. Calf raises 3 ways—holding 10lb weights in each hand
Toes front—20 reps
Turned in-  20 reps
Turned out- 20 reps

Try not to set your heel down all the way…keep the muscle active the whole time!

4B.One arm shoulder press with lunge. 5lb or 8lb weight.Start with your L foot foward and R foot back. The weight is in your R hand. Bend your arm at 90 degrees. Lunge down and as you come up, press your arm to the ceiling. 10 reps on each side.

5A. 1 leg kneeling push-up. On your hands and knees, extend your Right leg back, attach your left foot to your right knee. You are going to shift all of your weight forward and come down in a push-up. At the bottom of the motion, your extended right leg will be up high. 10 reps per leg. (shown is the bottom of the motion)

5B. Push-up with heel lift. In a push-up position (hands and toes) cross your R foot over your left. Come down into a push-up and as you come up, lift your R foot up a couple of inches. Set it back down and repeat for 8 on each side.

6. Ab series! Each exercise will be 15 crunches with 10 pulses at the end. So you will hold at the top of the motion on your last crunch and pulse from there! Make sure when you crunch, your CHIN is going to the ceiling...never pull your neck forward!
A. Basic crunch--feet down
B. Table top crunch--legs bent at 90 degrees.
C. Extended legs--legs are extended all the way  up! You are crunching towards your toes!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Enjoying your Social Life while Keeping your Diet in Check!

Spring is officially here!!! Finally!!!

Warm weather, activities outside and {my favorite} outdoor patio dining!! There is nothing better than eating outside with great company and enjoying a cold drink! This time of year restaurants are starting to open there patios and we can finally eat outside…now all we need is the weather to cooperate! As fun as eating out with friends and enjoying great food can be, it can also be tough on the waistline. I have compiled a list tips on how to still enjoy your social life while keeping your diet in check!  After all....that's what life is all about, moderation and still enjoying some indulgences every once in awhile! 

       Look at the menu before you go
-          Checking out what’s on the menu before you go is an easy way to ensure a good {diet-friendly} choice! If you arrive to the restaurant starving without have looked at the menu, the chances of you choosing something healthy is slim. If you make your choice before you go it’s much easier. Every restaurant is going to have some sort of lean protein and vegetable option. Make your own salad places are my fav because it let’s you be in control of what you're eating!  Know before you go

 Ask for a to-go box right when they bring out your food
-          We all know American portions are out of control! More times than not, a restaurant is going to give you a serving for at least 2 people. Asking for a to-go box not only lets you give yourself the correct portion, but gives you a second meal for the next day! Bonus!

      Water, water, water!
-          -  We all forgot about water when there is a nice glass of chardonnay in front of us {guilty!} Make sure when you are eating your meal, you are drinking water. This will help to prevent over-eating and water helps with your food digestion…something alcohol can’t do.


          Be picky!
-          If you are in the food service industry, you will probably kill me for this one! {Sorry!} When ordering, be as picky as you want! If you don’t want your broccoli slathered in butter or your chicken fried, then say something! You are the one paying for the meal! Always ask how things are prepared before confirming your choice. Be specific about how you would like your things cooked and what you would like omitted {and make sure to leave a good tip ;) } There is nothing wrong with knowing what you want!

       Slash the calories…..Make a spritzer out of it!!
-          This is one of my favorite tips! I love me some champagne, but know that I need to limit myself when watching my figure. Instead of a full glass of champagne {or white wine}, add a flavored seltzer to it! Most bars/restaurants have flavored seltzers, just ask! Its a great way to be social, enjoy your drink with half the calories!

   Indulge a little if you want to!
-          If your friends are up for dessert…don’t be the odd man out! Enjoy 2 bites and be done with it! Taking a couple of bites of chocolate cake or whatever it may be will certainly not ruin your diet. Allowing yourself to taste can actually be helpful in reducing sweet cravings. So go ahead and enjoy and move on! J

          Get movin’!
-          Instead of just getting in your car and going home after your meal, take a walk! Walking after you eat not only helps burn calories {duh!}, but aids in digesting your food and can help regulate your blood sugar. So take 10-15 mins and stroll around a bit before going home. Enjoy the  fresh air and warm spring weather! 

Spring and Summer are all about enjoying  great memories in warm weather with family and friends! As long as you are conscience of most decisions, it shouldn't deter you from making progress with your health goals. Keep consistent, enjoy a few indulgences and have fun!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Accountability At Its Finest...MY Progress Pics!

Well....Here goes nothing!

I was dreadfully trying on bathing suits yesterday and a light bulb came on! With all of the clients I work with, I require them to send me a "progress pic" and weigh-in every week. This way, they can SEE changes in their bodies and not just focus on the what the scale says. It's well known that muscle weights more than fat, so it's important to see how body composition can change as muscle increases and fat decreases. This concept is especially hard for women to understand, but I am working everyday to change that!

I got to thinking.....I really need to put my money where my mouth is! I preach all the time to my clients about their photos and they always begrudgingly send them and subject them selves to criticism (which is ALWAYS constructive...and nice). They put themselves in a vulnerable position, and I really appreciate the trust they have with me. I am posting today, to let ALL of my clients (in person and remote--present and future) know that I am not a "do as I say and not as I do" kind of coachI am right there with each and every one of them on this journey and I know how hard it is! I really do work my booty off everyday to continue living a healthy lifestyle.
Just like everyone else, I need the accountability as well. I am a normal human being (most of the time) and I need to SEE changes and not worry about what the scale says. I have good days and hard days with eating and although working out is my therapy, sometimes I need a kick-in-the-pants to get there! We are all on the SAME journey! I show you MY personal progress picture (eeekk). I want to stress to you that my "before"  and my "now" are the SAME WEIGHT (give or take 1-2lbs depending on the time of day,etc). 


The picture on the left (in the middle of summer, hence the tan) was taken 2 years ago before I decided to get serious about my eating and working out. I was a cardio bunny and lifted every once in a while and was very strict about calories. The picture on the right (in a bathing suit I did NOT purchase) was yesterday. I lift 5 days/week, do 1 day of cardio and eat  A LOT! I just eat the right things. I am a work in progress. I am constantly looking to improve myself and absolutely love the journey I am on. I feel stronger, leaner and healthier everyday.

Join me!! Go on this journey with me and find YOUR best self in 2014!! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Drive and Motivation!

I've written about motivation before and how to STAY motivated…but let’s dive a little deeper.

Where do I find my motivation? Why do I lose my motivation? What REALLY drives me to get out of bed in the AM?

These are some probing questions I hear from clients ALL the time! We (myself included) are all guilty of losing motivation every once in awhile; whether it’s motivation to workout, motivation to eat healthy or just plain ‘ol motivation in our everyday lives. This time of year, especially, the shiny new resolutions have lost their luster and lack of drive starts to set in. It’s not quite Spring yet, definitely not summer…it’s the DEAD OF WINTER. Getting out of bed sometime seems like an accomplishment all on its own when it’s -10 degrees out! This is the PERFECT time of year to re-visit your goals and stay MOTIVATED! Who’s with me??

How do re-motivate ourselves?
For me, it all goes back to my goals. “Why am I doing this in the first place?” is the questions I ask myself constantly. I have to remind myself of why it is that I started a particular goal. I have to force myself back in the place of excitement when I first made the goal AND think about how I will feel after my goal is accomplished. I know how great it will feel…so I must KEEP GOING! Figure out your “Why”!

How do we avoid losing motivation in the first place?
Passion has a lot to do with motivation. If you are passionate about what you are doing (work, life, healthy living, etc) you will avoid “slumps” much more easily. If you are constantly doing what you are truly passionate about, why would you want to stop? You wouldn't!  Find your passion and GO FOR IT!

Switch up your routine every once in awhile! While it’s nice to form habits and get up at the same time everyday and do the exact same thing until it’s Friday and you can finally “let loose” it’s also nice to add a lil’ spice! Maybe you get some gym time in before work or you get up a little earlier to make yourself something great for breakfast…whatever it is, change it up a little! Find little things during your week that make you excited for your day.

What is it that makes motivation go away?
Maybe you’re bored of routine or maybe you are scared to try something new or maybe you really don’t know what the next step is. All of things are totally normal, but only YOU have the power to change them. We are all controllers of our own destiny. You control your happiness and success…CHOOSE to be happy!

Enlist in the help of a friend or your spouse and tell them your very specific goals that you are working towards. This person can play a key role in helping you reach your goals. I have mentioned accountability before but I cannot stress enough how important it is! In every aspect of life, it’s much easier when we are held accountable. Do whatever you need to do to keep your goals in the fore front of your mind!

Once motivation has returned, how do we get it to stay there?
Once you are back in that “ah-ha” moment, STAY THERE! (I know, easier said than done!) Reward yourself for small successes to keep yourself on the right track. Everyone needs that “carrot” in front of them to keep going…find out what yours is. Make smaller, more attainable goals first. Reaching those small goals will in fact add up to your larger goal…so, stick with it, consistency is key!

Lastly, stay POSITIVE! Negativity never ends well, nor will it get you any closer to your goal (plus, no one likes a “Negative Nelly”). There is positive in every situation. Positivity equals power!

As always, I am here for you! I know what it’s like to lose motivation, find it and lose it again! We are all in this together…. I am happy to help!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014... A New Year, New You, New ME!

Happy New Year Fit Friends!!!

I never post about anything personal (there is a reason for that) but I thought I would share some of my own thoughts and goals for the upcoming New Year. (throughout the blog I have just a couple of my favorite memories from the past year---it was hard to choose!)

I like to keep my blog pretty informative about health and fitness and overall wellness, but I do realize that any sort of heath journey can be emotional. Whether your goal is to lose weight or lose body fat or tone up, it can weigh on your emotional well-being and can get to your head pretty quickly.

Most of my closest friends know that I struggled with an eating disorder for much of my young adult life. I had always been conscious of my weight and my body but it started to get unhealthy. Everything took a turn for the worse when I started college. All of the external changes around me made me feel “out of control” so I turned to the one thing that I could control….my body. I restricted myself from eating and forced myself to fit in 2 workouts/day. I was miserable. My otherwise happy/carefree demeanor was gone. I learned to “put a face on” and get through most of my days that way. I was a shell of what I wanted to be. After about 7 years (and a lot of therapy) I was starting to feel like myself again. I was able to find happiness in my friends, my family and my husband. And I could look at food not only as fuel for my body but actually as something that tasted good! I was enjoying life again like I knew I could. For any of you who have struggled with disordered eating, you know it’s not fixed overnight. It’s a constant inner battle and some days are good and others are pretty challenging. I am incredibly fortunate to have support from those who love me and I couldn’t get through anything without them. 
Through this journey I have learned to love my body for what it is and am constantly working at bettering myself. It’s no longer about being skinny, it’s about being STRONG and keeping myself healthy.

In this day and age it’s SO hard not to compare yourself to others…especially other women. It’s almost impossible! The competition to keep up with others can be brutal! In a profession where your “body is your billboard” I often feel extra pressure to keep up. After all, people tend to hire trainers whom they wish to look like. After a lot of soul searching and conversations with some incredible women over the years, I have realized there is SO much more to life than that. Obviously, this is a lesson we already know…but LIVING it is totally different. It’s not about what size you are or what the scale says….its about how you FEEL. Your body is your temple and you only get ONE!

So here’s where the resolutions come in…….

-I want us women to EMBRACE our DIFFERENCES and SUPPORT each other instead of COMPARE each other. We are all wired so differently and God has made each of us special in our own ways. I have found with clients, friends, (and with myself) you will LOOK your best when you FEEL your best. Healthy eating/living and regular workouts are wonderful for not only the OUTSIDE, but the INSIDE as well. Yo-yo dieting and restricting and working to exhaustion will only leave you tired, cranky and miserable with yourself. Not to mention, you probably won’t look your best! Stop trying to look like someone else and start wanting to look like YOUR best self.

-Everyday think about all the things you are grateful for. It’s a crazy world out there, but at the end of the day I have a family that will never stop 
supporting me, friends who loves me, a husband who adores me and a career I could have only dreamed of. What more do I really need from life?! Be grateful

 -Set realistic goals for yourself and STICK to them! It’s amazing how gratifying is is to achieve something you have always wanted to do. In 2012 I competed in my first fitness competition. Given my past, the thought of putting on a bikini in front of hundreds of people and terrible lighting was PETRIFYING. But, I set my mind to it, trained hard for 3months and DID it. Was I the best looking physique there? Heck no! But I felt amazing!
I had set a goal (one that I wanted to quit several times) and I stepped onto that stage oozing with confidence. I heard my support system screaming in the audience and knew that I was good enough. Good enough for them and FINALLY good enough for myself. So do something in 2014 that scares you! The feeling afterward is one that can’t be replicated. 

-If you’re unhappy in ANY aspect of your life…..change it!! Whether it’s your relationship, a friendship, your career, etc. If you don’t like where it’s going or it doesn’t make you a better person, for heaven sakes, do something about it! Leaving the corporate world of working for someone else and getting a steady paycheck for the unpredictable world of working for yourself was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Not to mention, one of the things I am most proud of. It is not only freeing, but so incredibly satisfying. My career is so important to me and I don’t think the passion I feel for helping others love their bodies will ever go away! I encourage you to find something you LOVE to do too! Life is too short!

-Leave your judgments at the door. We are all guilty (me included) of being judgmental. Let’s all try to replace judgments with support. The world is already harsh enough, no need to add to it! Reach out to those who are struggling, keep your friends extra close, cherish every relationship you have and try to be your best self this year!

-And last but not least….just BE HAPPY 

Whatever happiness means to you….do it! Keep doing the things that make you feel good and cut the things out of your life that don’t. Try your hardest at everything you do and never give up on yourself. You are worth it…I am worth it…we are all worth true, unconditional happiness.

These are a few of my own personal resolutions, join me! Let’s try to make 2014 the best year yet!

Kelli :)