Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Don't Let the Holiday Season Weigh you Down! (literally!)

With the first snow fall and the weather dropping, we all know the holidays are FAST approaching! Before we know it, the new year will be here!

Although I love, love the holidays, I also know the struggle my clients and others go through to stay on track and stick to their programs! With all the wonderful dips and desserts and yummy cocktails, sometimes it's just too hard. The gym gets left behind as the big sweatpants and coats come out! I totally get it. The holidays are the time to spend with friends and family and indulge a little.
I'm here to remind you that you CAN stay on track while enjoying your holidays! You can go into the New Year with a clear conscious that you don't have any "making up" to do! Here are some tips for a guilt-free holiday!

1. Eat BEFORE the party (a "pre-eat" as my husband calls it)
Going to any holiday or cocktail party hungry can be disastrous for your waistline. Think about the MAIN reason you are actually spend time with friends/family....not to eat! Eat your normal meal/snack before you go so you don't show up starving.  Enjoy tasting the delicious selections at the party and move on! A little bit of everything is much better than a lot of one thing (unless it's veggies which is typically not the case!) Grab the cocktail of your choosing (a wine spritzer or vodka drink is typically your best bet) and ENJOY the company of your loved ones.

2. Get your gym time in BEFORE the holiday festivities.
Getting your normal workout in before all the fun starts is going to ensure that it's actually done and you're not even letting yourself procrastinate. The "oh I will just go after" most often times doesn't happen (we are ALL guilty of that). Also, after your workout your cravings change and typically the sweeter/heavier things are not what you will reach for. Go for any veggies or high protein dishes and chances are, you will be filled up and satisfied :)

3. Enlist a friend/sibling/parent to join you for a workout
I've said it before and I will say it again, a workout buddy is SUCH a great tool! Accountability is everything when it comes to weight management. If you two sign up for a class together or have a meeting time at the gym, chances are much higher of actually doing it than if you did it alone.

4. Pick one outfit and stick to it!!!
Now I know this one sounds silly, but I hear WAY too often, people bringing an extra set of clothes (pajamas) to the homes of their loved ones to change into after they eat. As a health professional, this makes me cringe!! You are going to changes into larger clothing for your expanding waistline as you eat?!! That just sounds crazy! You know your comfort level in terms of when you are getting full and when you aren't. Listen to your body just as if it was a normal day and don't over do it. Enjoy, but don't overindulge.

5. ENJOY your time with your loved ones
That's what this season is really all about right?! Not the food or the drinks or the's about being together. Cherish this time of year without compromising the goals you set out beforehand. Stick the course and go into 2014 better than ever!

You can do it!! Happy holiday season!!! God bless!


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