Friday, February 21, 2014

Accountability At Its Finest...MY Progress Pics!

Well....Here goes nothing!

I was dreadfully trying on bathing suits yesterday and a light bulb came on! With all of the clients I work with, I require them to send me a "progress pic" and weigh-in every week. This way, they can SEE changes in their bodies and not just focus on the what the scale says. It's well known that muscle weights more than fat, so it's important to see how body composition can change as muscle increases and fat decreases. This concept is especially hard for women to understand, but I am working everyday to change that!

I got to thinking.....I really need to put my money where my mouth is! I preach all the time to my clients about their photos and they always begrudgingly send them and subject them selves to criticism (which is ALWAYS constructive...and nice). They put themselves in a vulnerable position, and I really appreciate the trust they have with me. I am posting today, to let ALL of my clients (in person and remote--present and future) know that I am not a "do as I say and not as I do" kind of coachI am right there with each and every one of them on this journey and I know how hard it is! I really do work my booty off everyday to continue living a healthy lifestyle.
Just like everyone else, I need the accountability as well. I am a normal human being (most of the time) and I need to SEE changes and not worry about what the scale says. I have good days and hard days with eating and although working out is my therapy, sometimes I need a kick-in-the-pants to get there! We are all on the SAME journey! I show you MY personal progress picture (eeekk). I want to stress to you that my "before"  and my "now" are the SAME WEIGHT (give or take 1-2lbs depending on the time of day,etc). 


The picture on the left (in the middle of summer, hence the tan) was taken 2 years ago before I decided to get serious about my eating and working out. I was a cardio bunny and lifted every once in a while and was very strict about calories. The picture on the right (in a bathing suit I did NOT purchase) was yesterday. I lift 5 days/week, do 1 day of cardio and eat  A LOT! I just eat the right things. I am a work in progress. I am constantly looking to improve myself and absolutely love the journey I am on. I feel stronger, leaner and healthier everyday.

Join me!! Go on this journey with me and find YOUR best self in 2014!! 


  1. :-) You look amazing Kelly, in both pictures!

  2. Thank you Jill!! You are so sweet...I miss you!!

  3. Can you give some examples of your lifting regime?
