New Year Fit Friends!!!
never post about anything personal (there is a reason for that) but I thought I
would share some of my own thoughts and goals for the upcoming New Year. (throughout the blog I have just a couple of my favorite memories from the past year---it was hard to choose!)
I like to keep my blog pretty informative about health and fitness and overall wellness, but I do realize that any sort of heath journey can be emotional. Whether your goal is to lose weight or lose body fat or tone up, it can weigh on your emotional well-being and can get to your head pretty quickly.

Through this journey I have learned to love
my body for what it is and am constantly working at bettering myself. It’s
no longer about being skinny, it’s about being STRONG and keeping myself healthy.
In this day and age it’s SO hard not to compare yourself to others…especially other women. It’s almost impossible! The competition to keep up with others can be brutal! In a profession where your “body is your billboard” I often feel extra pressure to keep up. After all, people tend to hire trainers whom they wish to look like. After a lot of soul searching and conversations with some incredible women over the years, I have realized there is SO much more to life than that. Obviously, this is a lesson we already know…but LIVING it is totally different. It’s not about what size you are or what the scale says….its about how you FEEL. Your body is your temple and you only get ONE!
-I want us women to EMBRACE our DIFFERENCES and SUPPORT
each other instead of COMPARE each other. We are all wired so differently and
God has made each of us special in our own ways. I have found with clients, friends,
(and with myself) you will LOOK your best when you FEEL your
best. Healthy eating/living and regular workouts are wonderful for not only the
OUTSIDE, but the INSIDE as well. Yo-yo dieting and restricting
and working to exhaustion will only leave you tired, cranky and miserable with
yourself. Not to mention, you probably won’t look your best! Stop trying to
look like someone else and start wanting to look like YOUR best self.
-Everyday think about all the
things you are grateful for. It’s a crazy world out there, but at the end of
the day I have a family that will never stop
supporting me, friends who loves
me, a husband who adores me and a career I could have only dreamed of. What
more do I really need from life?! Be grateful-Set realistic goals for yourself and STICK to them! It’s amazing how gratifying is is to achieve something you have always wanted to do. In 2012 I competed in my first fitness competition. Given my past, the thought of putting on a bikini in front of hundreds of people and terrible lighting was PETRIFYING. But, I set my mind to it, trained hard for 3months and DID it. Was I the best looking physique there? Heck no! But I felt amazing!
I had set a goal (one that I wanted to quit several times) and I stepped onto that stage oozing with confidence. I heard my support system screaming in the audience and knew that I was good enough. Good enough for them and FINALLY good enough for myself. So do something in 2014 that scares you! The feeling afterward is one that can’t be replicated.
-Leave your judgments at the
door. We are all guilty (me included) of being judgmental. Let’s all try to
replace judgments with support. The world is already harsh enough, no need to
add to it! Reach out to those who are struggling, keep your friends extra close,
cherish every relationship you have and try to be your best self this year!
-And last but not least….just

These are a few of my own personal resolutions, join me! Let’s try to make 2014 the best year yet!
Kelli :)
Kelli :)
Hey! How do I follow you? lol