Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Weightless Workouts!

One of the most common requests I get is to post workouts that are easily done at home and require no equipment. It's amazing what you can do and the results you can accomplish with your own body weight! I have compiled 3 workouts that can be done in about 30-40 minutes. They can be done from just about anywhere and all you need is YOU!

I have all I need to workout!

Each workout should be completed 3x through to really feel the burn and workup a great sweat! 

Workout #1

- 20 jumping jacks

- 10 step-back lunges on each leg (Do 1 leg at a time, so 20 total)

- 10 2-count push-ups (count to 2 on the way down and then push up)

- 20 bicycles for abs

- 10 super-mans for low back 

Workout #2

- 20 jumping squats (do a narrow squat and jump out to a wide squat--narrow,wide,narrow,wide,etc)

- 10 tricep push-ups (hands form a "triangle" on the floor. When you come down, make sure your elbows stay in close and SKIM the sides of your body)

- 30 sec. side plank- do on each side
- 10 Walkouts (start standing, bend forward until your hands reach the ground and walk yourself out to a push-up position. From there, walk yourself back to standing position)

- 20 mountain climbers (as fast or as slow as your body will allow

Workout #3

- 20 prisoner squats (place hands at ears, squat down and when you come up, twist opposite elbow to opposite knee-not shown in picture)

- 10 Plank-to-push up (start in plank position, push yourself up to push-up position and back down to plank)

- 10 leg lift pulses per leg in bridge (20 total)

- 20 reach-for-your-toes crunches (legs extended up- reach for your toes and fully collapse your shoulders down at the bottom)

- 10 Burpees

--Have a great workout and a wonderful month! You can email me any questions at:

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