Workout#1-Focuses on the core :)
1A. Plank walk—in a plank position, walk yourself 5 “steps”
to the right and 5 “steps” to the left. (Make sure you do this on a mat so you
don’t scuff your elbows!) Stay low in your plank and do this slowly-
1.B Plank with hip dips. In a plank position, dip your hips
to the right, then come up and dip to the left. 10 on each side
2A. Plank on hands with twist. Start
in push-up position, rotate to one side. Come back down to push up position, complete a full push up and rotate to the opposite side. 10 on each side
2B. Plank with hip pop-ups- 15 reps
3A. Oblique crunch with weight. Place a weight (or water bottle or can of soup) behind your head and hold onto it with both hands. Start in table top (below)
crunch up to the right side, then come all the way back down and crunch over to
the left side. --If you want a challenge: place you legs in tabletop psotion--Repeat. 15 on each side
3B. Reverse crunch.—don’t use momentum! Take your time with
these and use your LOWER ABS to pull you up and back. 15 reps
4A. Side plank hold—30 sec each side
4B Side plank crunch
5A. Plank oblique knee-ups- 10 on each side. Do one side at a
5B. Plank hold--- 1 minute!!
Workout #2-
1A. Jumping Jacks- 20 reps
1B. Squat jumps---normal squat and EXPLODE into a jump! 15
2A. Decline push-up off table or chair - Place your feet on the table or chair and your hands on the the
ground--8 reps
2B Incline push-up off bench- Place hands on table or chair-8 reps
2C- Tricep dips off chair/table- 10 reps
3A. Plank with leg lift—do 10 lifts each leg
3B. Plank to push-up- Start in plank position, push yourself up to plank position and repeat. Remember: try to keep you core steady and don't rock your body...squeeze those abs!---12 reps
4. Step back lunge with kick (or knee-up)- Stay on one side at a time. Step back into a lunge, use your glute and abdomen to pull your leg forward into a kick or knee-up.--12 reps each leg.
Good luck!!! Keep working hard and let me know if you have ANY questions!
Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or weight-loss program. The general information displayed here is not intended to substitute for or replace your healthcare professional. If you think you may have a medical emergency or experience any pain, call your doctor or 911 immediately. We make no representations or warranties concerning any usage of the information offered here and will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other losses or damages that may result. Reliance on any information appearing on this site or from me is strictly at your own risk.
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