Below is an example of one of her workouts!All you need is a pair of 5lb (or 8lb) weights :)
Let's get started!!!
Alternate A and B and complete each set 3x through.
Warm-up! Screamers!
One side at at time. These are done FAST. Start in a lunge position, quickly bring your knee to your chest and back down. The leg that ISN'T moving stays low in the lunge. It may take a second to get your balance, but once you do pick up your pace! 20 screamers per leg. Complete 3X through
1A. Step back lunge with knee up. Stay on one leg at a time and complete 15 reps per leg. If you want added resistance, hold 5lb weights in each hand

1B. 3-pulse squats. (no picture shown) Foot stance is hip distance apart. When you squat, make sure your weight is in you HEELS and you cannot see your toes! 3 pulses at the bottom of the squat and come back up. 20 reps
2A. Basic bicep curl (5lbs or 8 lbs)---15 reps
2B. Hammer curl (5lbs or 8lbs) ---15 reps (palms face IN)
2C. Wide curls (5lbs or 8lbs)---15 reps (make sure to keep your elbows dug into the side of your body)-15 reps
Full body/Shoulders
3A. Plank-to-push up--start in a plank position (on forearms and toes) "walk" yourself up to a push-up position. 10 total (Up, up, down, down is one rep)

3B. Renegade row (5lb or 8lb weight). Start in push-up position. Place one hand in the center of your body (think of making a triangle with your hand and 2 feet). Grab your weight and do a row. Keep your elbow close to the side of your body and your hips square to the floor the whole time. 10 rows per arm.
4A. Plank with heel lifts. Start in plank position. Concentrate on one side at a time (on the 3rd set you can alternate). Lift your heel up to the ceiling. Consciously SQUEEZE your abs so you don't feel anything in your low back. 10 reps per side.
4B. Kneeling arnold press. (5lbs or 8lbs). Palms face you at the bottom of the movement and out at the top of the movement. 12 reps
Mountain climber series
5A. Basic mountain climbers. Try to do these as fast as you can! Keep those abs tight! 20 total (10 each)
5B. Modified mountain climber. These are done SLOW. Start just like a normal mountain climber only this time when you bring your knee in you will bring it into the CENTER first, then across to the OPPOSITE elbow, then to the SAME elbow, then back down. (Ex. if you start with your right side you will bring your right knee into the center, across to the left elbow, across to the right elbow and back down) Alternate legs. 10 each leg.
Good luck!!! Have fun and let me know if you have ANY questions!